Cybersecurity  | Synergy Solution IT

Did you know more than 2,000 cyberattacks happen per day?

Don’t let your company be the next victim of a cyberattack.

Let Synergy Solution IT manage your Cybersecurity!

FACT: 91% of people know the risks of reusing passwords across their online accounts, but 66% do it anyway.

  • Our company will install anti virus, firewall, and cloud backup solutions to make sure your company is protected. 
  • We perform regular cyber security network assessments to check for any possible threats.
  • Our trained IT professionals will monitor your networks regularly to keep you protected.

Did you know over 75% of targeted cyberattacks start with an email?

Synergy Solution IT can be your cybersecurity defense against modern day threats!

Synergy Solution IT can take care of all your IT Needs